Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm exhausted! Thank goodness the weekend is almost here!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Ever since those two got these new things they call "MacBook Pros," they haven't been paying as much attention to me as before. But the other day, when I was lounging on that nifty carpet box they brought me, Adrian decided a mini photoshoot was in order. Of course, I did my part and made sure to move around a lot. I think Adrian appreciates it because he takes a lot more pictures of me when I do that. =^..^=

Friday, March 14, 2008

need a hand?

There is nothing more comfy than stretching out on top of this new couch the humans brought me. Sometimes Christina takes catnaps on it after being away all day. I let her because she feeds me and gives me pats. It's all about give and take, folks.

ready for shipping

I usually don't like boxes but this one has caught my fancy. Using my extraordinary feline powers of subliminal mental persuasian, I have convinced Christina that it is her idea to keep the box. Good. Now I can sit in it whenever I want.


This is a very cool blog spot indeed! =^..^=

Within mere moments of signing in, I was already able to post two test entries. One from Google Docs and the other from my BlackBerry.

Woot! Not too shabby for a cat, eh?